Five on Friday + Free Printables!

This week we celebrated my husband's 31st birthday!  I really can't believe he turned 31 since he's younger than me, and that must mean I'm reallllly getting up there!  We had a delicious brunch at the Boathouse restaurant in Baltimore with a couple of our closest friends, and dinner with his family later on.  I also gifted him with a Home Depot gift card.  Lame and selfish I know since he'll be using it to fix up the house that I also live in, but I guess gifts tend to go that way by the you turn 31 :)

We finally got a little sprinkle of snow, and it was beautiful.  It was only an inch or so but just enough to coat the grass and trees and look pretty awesome flying toward your windshield.  Hoping for more?  I am too.  Just a little bit.  This combined with my struggle to decorate for anything post Christmas, I created two printables, just to keep the winter cheer going for a while.  Help yourselves to the download.
Get it here!

Get it here!

Is anyone else in love with these sweater coffee cozies like I am?  I don't even know why since I usually drink out of a Tervis, which certainly doesn't need one, but I suddenly feel the need to switch my cup choice simply so I can use a knitted cozy.  #firstworlddecisions 
This cup and cozy is available at Target, and super adorbs! 

Today is the last day of the semester.  That means I have made through HALF of my first year at my new job!  Cheers to that!

I watched the movie Gone Girl this week and am completely infatuated with it.  I did have nightmares the entire night after I saw it so I'm not sure why I want to see it again, but I do.  I only wish I had read the book first.  I'm not sure if this makes me mentally disturbed, but it really captured me.  Anyone read the sequels?  Are they as good?  

Have a great Friday and an even better weekend!!

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  1. Happy birthday to your hubs! Home Depot gift card sounds perfect--he gets to pick out tools, etc, and you get things fixed around the house! Win-win! (Although maybe you win more, but that's ok haha).
    Gone Girl was a great book and the movie did a really nice job of recreating the book relatively well. The other two books of hers have nothing to do with this story. I've only read one, Dark Places, and it is DARK. I reviewed it on my blog so if you want to see that, you can go check it out!
    Congrats on half a year at the job! Now let;s hope for some snow days!! haha
    Have a good weekend!!!

  2. Gone Girl was an awesome book!! I wasn't as intruiged with the movie, but the book was very interesting. I thought they could have left out a bunch at the end after she came back. It just kinda dragged on for me. But still good. And I love those coozies!! I've got a friend who knits so I should get her to do some!

  3. I'm stopping by from the link up! I'm a teacher too and today was the last day of our semester too! It was a whirlwind at the end but I feel like a deserve an award for making it halfway through! This is my second year but I don't think it was this bad last year. Here's to a quick and easy spring! Gone Girl is AMAZING! I read the book but I was still enthralled by the movie. I read her other books but I didn't like them as much. Happy Weekend! :)

  4. I just found your blog. I am a teacher too.. This is my 5th year teaching. What do you teach? Hope it is going well. Happy Birthday to your hubs..
    Chelsea @
