Three weeks down and one to go! Feeling pretty proud and motivated to keep this shift going long past my 30 days! Here I break down what to expect during cleanse week and some challenges you might be pushing through at this stage in the game :)
So what is cleanse week? During this program, we do the 7 Day Body Cleanse during this week of the program. Why this week? Because it gives us ample time to ensure that we have gotten into some clean eating habits for a little while BEFORE diving into the cleanse. This is not the type of cleanse that is going to send you running for the bathroom, but if you chug it immediately after slamming a Whopper with cheese, it just might. This is meant to support a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, not act as a bandage for an unhealthy one!
Overall, I do feel that cleanse week is when I really feel like I am leaning out. It's a powder that you mix with warm water (I use the smallest setting on my Keurig) and then fill the rest of a 32 oz water bottle with ice and cold water. I drink this throughout the day, as well as plenty of additional water to keep myself hydrated while these gentle ingredients do their thing.... ingredients like aloe to soothe the gastrointestinal tract, ginger to support healthy digestion, and choline to support liver function.
While I am loving the actual cleanse, I have to admit, this week didn't come without challenges. I found some cravings for junk food sneaking in, and it definitely took some will power to turn away. Honestly I think this might be because I'm not much of a chef so the things I've been eating have gotten a little monotonous, but don't worry there are a ton of recipes available for those who choose to break out the pots and pans. I consider it a good struggle though because it forced me to get more creative and test my skill a little bit, as well as taught me to cut off any feelings associated with food. Are you an emotional eater? Or someone who experiences food FOMO like I do? Then THIS is the program for you. Accountability I tell you is a key motivator, as well as the results you start seeing and feeling at this point as well!
To join me on this journey, please fill out this form and I will be in touch with all the details!