Nineteen Week Update!

Another week, another photo fail.  Sorry guys.  I seriously can't believe I've forgotten twice in the past 3 weeks.  Apparently weekly photos are a little aggressive for me, but I'll try to step up my game from here on out.  But if you really want to know what I look like, this quote pretty much describes my week.  No work = yoga pants central, and yes that counts as an OOTD.  Don't judge.

Likes: ice cream, graham crackers, weather I can roll my windows down for ;)

Dislikes: heartburn and vomiting.  Yes, morning sickness has decided to finally kick in right as I approach week 20.  And I thought I was in the clear...

Weight/Waist: 113 lbs./ 33 in.

Other happenings:  The hubs and I enjoyed what will be our last adults only Easter together.  I can't help but get excited thinking about dying eggs with our girls next year and showing them their baskets for the first time!


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1 comment

  1. I hope the morning sickness is short-lived and you don't have to suffer with it for much longer!! :(
    So exciting to think of how different and fun next year will be with your two little bundles of cuteness!!! :)
