Weekend Update: Happy Birthday Mama!

First things first, I finally found my pedometer!!  It was sitting on the babies' swing in their room and I've walked by it probably 10 times this week and this one time I looked down and there it was!  So happy I didn't lose it after all!  Other weekend events included attending my husband's grandfather's 90th birthday party, a last minute trip to my husband's softball game, and a lot of cleaning up the house.  None of which I took photos of.  Blogger fail.  Oops.  

I also spent my Sunday hanging out with the best lady I know, my mommy!  Her birthday is on Tuesday so I took her to lunch and we did a bit of galavanting around random stores.  Big Lots, Goodwill, ya know.... the usual ;)  I got some new stuff for my summer patio and showed her the pictures from my latest ultrasounds.  We had ice cream sundaes and I finally got her a smart phone so she can see and take lots of photos of the little baby girls when they come :)  I know everyone says this, my mom actually is the very best one and I cannot wait for my little nuggets to meet her too and take them on all our excursions together.  I hope I will be as good a mom as she is!  

Now back to the grind.  Five days til the next one! 

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  1. Yay for finding the pedometer! All is not lost! :)
    So glad that you had a good weekend with so many fun celebrations! Happy birthday to your mom!!! :)

  2. awww love mother/daughter time! my mom lives a plane ride away so i always love seeing when people in the same vicinity can get together :)

  3. So cute!!! It'll be so sweet to have all three generations on your mother/daughter outings soon.

  4. I need to start wearing a pedometer. It's crazy how much you end up walking (or not walking) in a day! Have a great week!
