Twenty One Week Update!

Likes: doughnuts, oatmeal, playing with my belly button (I know it's weird)

Dislikes:  nausea and vomiting.  Dang it. 

Weight/Waist: 116 lbs./ 34 inches

Other happenings:  I feel like the babies are so active now and I can feel them kicking all the time but I swear to God the moment my husband comes into the room or I want him to feel the kicks, they stop.  I want him to feel what I'm feeling so badly but so far no luck.  Maybe next week??


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  1. I hope that the nausea and vomiting stop soon for you--that sounds miserable! And that your hubs gets to feel those sweet babies dancing around! :)

  2. The nausea and vomiting will subside soon. Just keep strong lady!
    The babies only show off their dancing moves to MAMA! Hahaha - he'll get to feel them moving soon. They are just being selective!

  3. I had it 24/7 with Isabelle. I weighed 117 when I delivered her. Hope u get relief soon!

  4. I had it 24/7 with Isabelle. I weighed 117 when I delivered her. Hope u get relief soon!
