It's no secret that Omega-3s are important in our diet. From heart health to joint health to possibly even helping with anxiety, I like to think of it as diet gold and make a point to sneak it in there every morning around breakfast. I could break it all down and quote numerous medical sources, but instead I'm just gonna steal this graphic from
Dr. Axe because it's honestly most comprehensive thing I've seen and I couldn't say it better myself.
So anyway, as I began my affiliate relationship with IdealLean and was in need of a new supply, I naturally grabbed up a bottle of their Omega-3s because it only makes sense that I actually use products I may eventually promote to decide if I even like them right? Hmmm... Krill oil? Ok whatever. I guess you just need to be fancy.
As I continued taking it though, it started popping up on my radar more frequently. It's not just IdealLean's fancy name. It seems to be everywhere. What the heck. What happened to fish oil? I honestly thought that krill was just some fancy type of fish until I suddenly began having flashbacks to my childhood trips to the
Frederick County Science Center in which we would inevitably spend time with our hands in buckets petting krill, which were totally not fish I might add. They were some sort of cross between a crawfish and shrimp from what I remember. Is this what I've been consuming this whole time?
Yes, yes it is. So first things first. Krill oil comes from a shellfish! If you have a shellfish allergy just stop reading and DO NOT take a krill oil supplement! If you're a regular shrimp loving, crap picking, lobster devourer, however... read on.
Now that that's been cleared up, let me tell you what else I've learned and why this stuff is actually superior to the fish oil capsules I had been taking previously.
1. It's absorbed more readily by the body. My Krill oil supplements are tiny and I only take one a day. With my fish oil they were pretty darn huge and you were supposed to take a couple of them. Why? Because fish oil has to go through more steps to actually be absorbed. Only a small percentage of what you consume is actually used in your body.
2. It is more environmentally friendly. Krill is among one of the largest biomasses on the planet, so although it is consumed by many marine animals, the krill harvested for human consumption is but a tiny fraction of what's out there. It is much more sustainable than the cod and salmon typically used in fish oil.
3. It contains an additional antioxidant, astaxanthin, that protects the body from free radicals and DNA damage. Essentially... it slows the aging process. Omg sign me up.
4. It doesn't produce those gross fishy burps that fish oil tend to do. It still smells a little fishy when I open the container, but once down the hatch, you won't have to revisit the experience later ;)
If you want to learn more and get the scientific explanation, you can start
here like I did and decide for yourself. Of course there are pros and cons of both, but I am down with the krillies for now. How about you? Are you taking your Omega-3s?