Winter Ale Review: My Top Picks!

Remember that Beer Exchange we went to the other weekend?  Well I've had a chance to sample my share and am breaking down some of best (and worst) holiday ales I've tasted.  Who will the winner be??  Read on to find out!!!

6.  Sierra Nevada Celebration.  Super cute bottle and I wanted soooo badly to love it.  Womp womp.  Just tastes like a regular IPA to me.  I'm tasting any sort of "holiday" spice hints in this one.

5.  Magic Hat Snow Roller.  Labeled "hoppy brown ale".  I couldn't explain it better.  Definitely suitable for snow days when you have no intentions of doing anything but getting sloshed and shoveling the sidewalk every few hours.

4.  Sweet Baby Jesus by DuClaw Brewery. Chocolate peanut butter porter.  Great dessert beer.  Very smooth. More on the chocolate side than the peanut butter.  Not sure I could drink this all night but one or two is a great holiday treat!  Grab a 6 pack to share!

3.  Southern Tier Old Man Winter Ale.  Not too hoppy, yet not too bland.  The perfect beer for winter sipping.  Definitely leans more toward it's "winter" name and not as much "holiday".

2.  Pub Dog Chocolate Oatmeal Stout.  Amazing. Chocolatey. Not too intense or hoppy or sweet.  I could drink this for the long haul.

And the winner is....

1.  Flying Dog Hazlenut Scotch Style!  OMG soooooo good!  Don't worry, it's not prissy and it still tastes like a beer, but its the perfect amount of flavor to get you feeling festive.  Pair with some cookies to get the full effect!

Hopelessly Ever After  The Grits Blog - Little Friday Linkup


Hey, don't go anywhere!  Along with my friends, I'm giving away a $375 gift card!  Enter the giveaway by following on IG or through any of the indicated actions below!  Good luck!!

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  1. I've never been much of a beer try-er. I like lighter beers and get nervous when I get stuck with a heavy, hoppy beer, but I like hearing about new ones that I might consider trying! :)

  2. Mmmm I'd love to try that Flying Dog beer. Will have to keep an eye out for it at the liquor store!!!


  3. Ahhh!! Thanks for linking up!! You're awesome!! And Good Lord Sweet Baby Jesus....Love it!! One of my favorite DuClaw beers! Definitely pinning this because you know I'm a beer snob and all.

  4. Southern Tier makes some good beers.

    OH - look for a beer called "Bees In The Trappe" it's made by Grimm.
    That's smooth - and you can drink a lot of it, and not really know it's hitting you - - - until it's too late.
    It's a GOOD beer.

  5. I am such a sucker for a good seasonal beverage...they definitely make winter a little tastier!
