T25 Starts Today!

In all honestly, I considered this weekend to pretty much a non-weekend, so I'll keep this short and sweet.  Meaning I did a whole lot of nothing worth writing about!  Schoolwork, cleaning, gym... blah blah blah.  But for once I have something super exciting happening on a Monday and that is I am starting T25 today!!!  I am extremely curious to see if my body will change and how sore I will be  by the end of the week.  Even more exciting, I'm doing this with some of my amazing co-workers.  Nothing like a pack of people to keep you energized!

If you've been following, you know how devoted I've been to getting beach body ready this summer, especially with an upcoming honeymoon in the works.  Well, despite my devotion, I managed to go to the gym yesterday and leave prompty after warming up and doing one lone set of an exercise.  I was bored.  T25 is starting at the absolute perfect time.  And by the way, there are now only 49 days left until MDW!

On another note, the National Championsip is tonight (if you're into that sort of thing).  Don't forget to enter our Fanatics giveaway, and you could be one of the first sporting National Champion apparel.  Good luck everyone!

Check out Monday Morning gossip, Weekend Recap, and Funday Monday.

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  1. Can't wait to read about T25 I have been thinking about trying one of those types of programs because I am in the process of loosing weight too but still trying to figure out which one to invest in first.

    1. I'm 2 days in and so far I love it! It can be intense but just when you think you can't go on it's over, so it's perfect!

  2. I really want to start T25 but I need a TV in my living room before that can happen. Good luck with it girl!

  3. Great quote! Its so true. You've got to go above and beyond :)

    Kristen @ Your Beauty Fix

  4. awesome dedication lady! i really need to get my butt into gear, i have been so lazy lately.

    1. lol I get lazy sometimes too but I find when summer gets closer, I become more motivated!

  5. Good luck with T25. I love any kind of program, keeps me so much more motivated.

  6. Sounds fun! I can't wait to hear how it goes.
