My Favorite Things: Holiday Edition!

Thanksgiving is over and I can officially say that I am 100% in the Christmas spirit.  Let the holidays commence and let it last as long as possible to bring some warmth to my bitter, freezing arch nemesis we call winter.  This weekend, I did a little winter cleaning and put out the Christmas decor which has to be one of my favorite activities of the year.  Maybe it’s because my house looks full, maybe it’s the fact that I have an extended weekend off work, but it’s probably because it’s the beginning of an exciting month with so many other bright spots to look forward to.

For one, the music.  You can’t get away with listening to cheesy little kid songs about fictional characters any other time of the year.  It’s joyous and virtually impossible to listen to without singing and dancing along.  In fact, I’ve been rocking the Christmas tunes so much lately, I’m slightly fearful that I’ll be Christmased out come mid December.  But I can’t worry about that now.  I’ve heard every song on the Bing Crosby holiday station at least 6 times already and have yet to turn it off.

Second, there are so many delicious holiday cocktails I’ve pinned that I cannot wait to try.  Who says the excitement of the holidays has to fade into adulthood?  This weekend I made apple cider sangria.  I used this recipe, but took out the pears and used a traditional brandy.  Not really sure what “ginger brandy” is.  Didn’t see it in the store.  It was delicious and the perfect refreshment while the fiance and I trimmed our second tree.  
Ingredients: Pinot Grigio, apple cider, club soda, brandy

Third, I love to bake cookies.  I love to eat cookies.  I feel that an assortment of holiday cookies is kind of essential to enjoying the season to it’s fullest.  This has also been somewhat of an issue since there are many clean eaters around me and I aspire to eat somewhat healthy most of the time.  However, this is one time of year where I have to say eff it.  I’m making the damn cookies and I’m eating them too.  I’ll start the diet in January.  Swear. 
No recipe here.  Just pumpkin spice cookie mix and cream cheese frosting from the jar!

Fourth, check out my holiday card wall cabinetry.  I absolutely love seeing everyones holiday cards, and especially these days where everyone is designing their own with photos and personal messages.  It is so fun to see all of my loved ones displayed in one place.  More happy mail than junk for once! I just bought a few rolls of ribbon and the two big top bows from the dollar store and used masking tape to secure them to the inside of the cabinets.  

Fifth, and most importantly, I love a calendar filled with FUN!  So many occasions to get dressed up in pretty dresses, scarves, or ugly sweaters and celebrate friendships new and old.  Something to look forward to every weekend - I am jumping up and down inside!  Yippee!

Happy Holidays to all of my friends and family reading this blog, and thank you for letting me share the joy of the season with you!  What is your favorite part of the holiday season?  I’m sure I’ll be blog stalking to find out! ;) 

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  1. I need to get on it with listening to the Christmas music. I know there's a radio station in Indy that plays 24/7 Christmas music, but I need to figure out what it is.

    I'm a cookie monster too. :)

    I LOVE what you did for your cabinets. That's such a good idea. Most people are doing the flat Christmas cards, so they don't stand up on their own.

    Thanks SO much for linking up with us. It was awesome to get in the Christmas spirit with your post. :)

    1. Thank you! Now I need to find a creative way to display cards for the rest of the year without taking over my entire fridge ;)

  2. I love that idea for the holiday cards! I can't believe you already have that many! I need to get on the ball with our's! I plan on ordering them today. That apple cider sangria looks absolutely amazing and so do those cookies! Thanks for sharing your favorite things with us Michelle!

    1. Oh girl, I have a confession. That is actually from last year haha. Right now the ribbons are up, but I only have one lone card on it ;) I figured who'd know? Oh, I guess you do now!

  3. Love the cabinet idea for the cards. I love Sangria and will be making some this weekend! Stopping by from the link-up.

    1. It's good! I think I'll be making it more often myself!

  4. I like your idea for displaying cards - may have to copy that one!
