One Month Down and Some Post Baby Goals!

It's a beautiful day!  The sun is shining; I'm awake by 8; it's the last day of summer baseball camp for my husband and I'm ready to celebrate something! It also happened to be our little twinnies' one month birthday yesterday, and although they are still in the NICU my amazing husband was able to get them next to each other and snap this adorable shot ;)  

Finally, after what seems like the longest time, I'm finally starting to get the itch to get my life back together and jump back into society.  My doctor has cleared me to drive and swim this week, and I can't even begin to tell you how badly I want to jump behind the wheel and galavant wherever my little heart shall lead me (Target... Starbucks... the possibilities are endless)!  With that being said, I'm setting a few post-baby goals for myself that while small and silly, seem perfectly legitimate on my road back to becoming... myself.  

Walk every day.  Although I'm not cleared to exercise for a couple more weeks, I took a walk around the neighborhood the other day and it was amazing.  I actually halfway expected myself to be sore the next day considering I could barely walk to the end of my driveway without panting during pregnancy, but I wasn't.  Time to do a little more of that and kick start my metabolism to get rid of this baby weight!

Do my hair and makeup.  No, I'm not trying to impress anyone or going anywhere where people will likely care, but it makes me feel good about myself.  I also tend to think my husband appreciates it when I put forth a little effort, even though he loves me poodle hair and all ;)  

More greens.  I'm not saying I'm diving right into clean eating just yet.  After all, I've gone nine seven months without drinking so yes, I'm going to indulge in a fair share of happy hours.  I do however have some newfound motivation to up the protein/veggie intake, and thank freaking God the thought of broccoli no longer makes me want to vomit.  I was a little worried the doughnut cravings would never subside.  

Be a great wife.  With everything that's changed in our lives lately, we've suddenly become Mommy and Daddy over anything else, and I know that's not going to change.  But while I'm obsessing over our new perfect little princesses, I have to remember that we are also practically newlyweds just celebrating our 1 year anniversary and that there is still a box full of pristine honeymoon lingerie just waiting to be brought back out.  Ok, that might be jumping the gun a bit, but I'm at least going to hug him a little tighter and kiss him a little longer, especially now that theres now a big belly getting in the way! 

Nap without guilt.  My whole life I've fought naps like an evil productivity killer.  Even when I'm beyond tired, I'd lay down to nap when a terrible FOMO would set it.  Throughout pregnancy and now with a demanding pumping schedule (I know it sounds silly, but for real..), I'm finally realizing the value of a nap can make the difference between an enjoyable, productive evening and dinnertime meltdown where I'm basically crying myself to sleep because I cannot go on any longer.  Don't ask me how I'm going to solve this problem when I go back to work, but for the next month or so, I'm not going to care.  Afternoon naps are not just for children!  

More like this on Five on Friday and Friday Favorites!

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  1. They are adorable- happy 1 month!!!

  2. Your babies are beautiful! Happy one-month to them!
