Fifteen Week Update!

Likes:  Earl grey tea, applesauce, and sunless tanner... because the belly really accentuates pasty white ;)

Dislikes:  Still chicken. Sometimes eggs.  Yes, I know I said I liked them last week but apparently I'm moody like that.

Weight/Waist: 109 lbs./ 30 inches

Other Happenings:
I'm addicted to Family Feud.  I remember watching it when I was like 6, but it's come back into my life with a vengeance.  I watch it every day and I love playing along and shouting out the answers.  I am a dork. And now I'm even more of one for using the term "dork".  

Click below to view previous "bumpdates"!

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  1. You looks awesome! Love your outfit!!

  2. lookin' good!! =)

  3. I just love that baby bump, grow babies grow! Funny how you already dislike something that you liked last week. Also, I recently have started watching Family Feud like crazy too, and always feel super accomplished when I get a lot of the answers right!

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