Guess Who's on the Way?!

Writing has been difficult lately and for a good reason.  Do you know how hard it is to find interesting, authentic things to write about when the one thing that has been consuming your life must remain top secret??  It's pretty tough, but I'm sure all you mamas out there know the feeling of bursting with excitement and not being able to tell a soul.  Well, at 12 weeks, I decided I'm past that now.  I'm completely elated and I don't care who knows it.  Double elated actually.  

We're expecting TWINS!!!!  

About a month and a half ago, we went in for our first doctor's appointment and were completely floored when the sonographer told us there were two sacs, two placentas, and two heartbeats.  I'm pretty sure my husband might have pooped his pants a little bit.  He was stunned scared.  I was stunned amazed.  And after about a week of "I can't believe it", it finally started to sink in and we could not feel more blessed.  

I'm nearing the end of my first trimester and clearly have no idea what I have in store, so look forward to plenty of weird, awkward, and overly enthusiastic posts from moi in the coming months years.  It's a crazy feeling knowing your entire world is about to change, but I know I'm as ready as I'll ever be.  Twins.  Really?!  How did I get so lucky?!  Thank you God.  I already can't wait to meet them!

Bella And The City
Let it ShineMingle Monday

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  1. So exciting!!! Congrats!! Double the fun :)

    As a sonographer, THANK you for calling her a sonographer and not "tech" (huge pet peeve! :p )

    1. lol I'll be honest, I was debating what the official name was and had to look it up!

  2. oh my goodness! Congratulations! We are expecting a little one in August so it will be so fun to follow along your journey!

  3. Yayyy congrats! Such an exciting new journey for you. Can't wait to follow along here on the blog!

  4. I have felt the same way... How is one supposed to write every day and not spill the secret? :) twins!!! My husband is jealous haha. I can't wait to follow along! Congratulations.

  5. Hi there, stopping by from the link-up! WOW, twins, that is so exciting!! Congrats!!

  6. Wow!!!! BIG news!!! Congratulations to you two!!!!! (or should I say you four???) haha

  7. Congratulations to you and your little family!!!


    1. Thank you Justine!! Hope you are enjoying the newlywed life!

  8. Congrats!! That's so exciting. We are pregnant with twins as well. Due at the beginning of August. Twins are the best! Good luck and congrats!

  9. That's amazing!!! Congrats!!!! Wooohooo!!!!

  10. Yay!! Congrats, girl!

  11. Aww! I'm so happy for you Michelle! Congratulations to you guys!! That's quite a blessing indeed, twins?!? wow! So excited for you!

  12. Oh my goodness! How exciting!!! Congrats!!!
