MDW 2015

Memorial Day Weekend and things are changing around here!  Wasn't long ago we banked on this weekend being spent at the beach, day drinking our faces off and getting as tan as one can possibly get over the course of 3 days.  Fast forward a year or two and suddenly we're relaxing at home, fixing up the gardens, and watching our little babies cooking in my belly.  I can only imagine how next year will be...

Saturday we pulled the cover off our pool and for the first time in pool history, the water was clear!  Thank you Jesus!  Hubs did a great job and I guess he finally has the pool thing figured out (fingers crossed for next year).  

We also fit a lot of family time into the weekend.  Between hub's cousin's graduation party and a cookout at his aunt's house, we basically had both sides covered.  
Cousins in law!

With the graduate!
Sunday BBQ.  Getting the canoe ready!

Monday a few friends came by for a spur of the moment pool day.  I lasted through the entire thing, despite being super swollen by the end of it.  Bed early.  Not a bad little Monday!

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  1. It looks like you (and the girls!) had a super nice MDW--looks like it was the perfect way to spend it :)

  2. Look at you ROCKING THE BIKINI! You are so awesome.

    What a wonderful MDW!

    Oh and the picture of "readying the canoe" - what is the little boy doing with the hose? Checking for leaks? or just flooding the thing? hahaha

    1. lol well it had been in the shed all winter so they were trying to rinse all the dust and filth off of it ;)

  3. Looove your bikini - you are looking fantastic :) It sounds like the perfect weekend. Serious kudos to your husband for a clean pool after winter. So happy I found your blog through Biana's link up!

    1. Thank you! Rocking it for as long as I can... in my own backyard at least :)
