Organize Your Life!

This weekend started spring break for me, and while I have no big plans or spring-like excursions scheduled, I'm looking forward to getting my life together more than I can even describe.  This weekend I started knocking things off the "to-do"list and have a mental plan to get things ship shape by the time Easter weekend arrives.  Here's my unfailing plan to get your act in gear and be on your way to a productive, fulfilling week!

#1 Write it down.  I know I said "mental plan" but that doesn't mean I haven't written multiple lists in my notes app to get me straight.  I'm talking the most random things that have been on your mind for months... like the grey frames I wanted for the nursery or the eyebrow wax that is long overdue.   Writing it down and checking it off automatically makes me feel like I'm accomplishing things, and motivates me to do more.

#2 Get some exercise.  No, I'm not suggesting becoming a gym rat overnight, but a light workout every couple days seriously does a lot for my mental state, and hopefully for my post pregnancy body as well (TBD).  

#3 Organize something.  Pick the one thing that bugs you the most and do that.  For me it started in the closet and tomorrow I hope to go through all of our cupboards and dispose of expired items.  It seems overwhelming but once you get started, you realize it's not that bad.  Just throw on some good cleaning tunes and sing away as you go.... or am I the only one who does that?

#4 Soak up time with the ones you love.  I'm enjoying every moment of evening snuggle time with my husband this week, and looking excitedly toward Easter when we will get to spend the day with family we love.  I've even had time to call and chit chat with family in other states, and I can't help thinking about how lucky my little family is to have so many people in so many places that love us already :)

#5 Take naps.  Yea, I know I'm lucky because I'm on spring break this week.  And yes, if I were a normal working person and not a teacher I would hate my guts too.  I've been there and I don't blame you one bit.  But I have to admit these midday naps I've been falling into are doing wonders for my ability to stay awake with the hubs at night.  

So that's it folks. My weekend and my week to come.  Can it be spring break forever?  Because I can definitely get used to this!

Let it ShineMingle MondayWeekendingMonday MadnessWeekend Recap

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  1. How great to get things in order! I love my days off work for that reason because I typically let things go a bit. And midday naps are on point.. I may like sleeping more than I should..

  2. :)

    I make a list - and then a list to go with that list - and so on and so forth. I really do need to make one general list - and go from there.

    The right music makes everything better! TRUTH!

    Okay - forgive me - girl fail moment here - what is eyebrow wax?
