Winter in March: Your Steps to Survival

Is it really March 6th?  I’m a little confused.  I pictured by March 6th, I’d at least be able to leave the house without my Eskimo style winter coat and maybe, just maybe, wear shoes that do not require socks.  So far, there has been no such luck and I just heard the weatherman discussing the possibility of icing Friday morning.  For a girl who lives for summer, this is plain torture.  We must do whatever we can to survive.

Paint your nails a bright summer color.  It might be premature, but that shimmering flamingo pink is just the reminder I need that summer is coming, however long it may take. If you’re ambitious, do your toes too.. not that you’ll be seeing them or anything.

Get a tan.  No, don’t go ruining your skin or risking skin cancer.  Just invest in a trusty $8 bottle of self tanning lotion.  I’m satisfied with L’Oreal and even think it smells pretty good!

Clean out your closets.  Then go Pinterest “shopping” for little spring gems like this to fill them with!  Now if only I had unlimited funds for purchases... 

Dress from US Trendy

Celebrate the holidays.  Acknowledging little things like Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, and National Pancake Day shall serve as a temporary distraction from the real issue.  I may have been Irish strolling in flip flops in years past, but at least my boots will compliment green just as well.  

Find this printable here.

Hibernate.  My favorite way to avoid winter is to sleep as long as possible.  I’d love to have more energy by now, but if Jack Frost is setting up camp, I’ll keep going to bed a little earlier. ;)  

And I don’t even want to mention this, but according to Accuweather, whose extended forecast goes through mid April, I don’t see a single high above 60.  Lord help us. #firstworldproblems

Her and Nicole
The Grits Blog

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  1. Like you, I am over this winter. Ready for some warmer temps!

    Thanks for linking up!


  2. I must have that orange dress! I'm so over the snow and cold!

  3. Great survival guide!!! I too am ready for the Spring and Summer!!!!!!!!

  4. Love this! I'm so ready for warmer temps, too!

  5. I am so ready for warmer weather too!! I actually treated my toes to some fun summery loving the other day in hopes it would snap me out of my winter blues funk. Great survival guide though!! Hopefully it helps get the warmer temps here sooner!!

    1. Great idea! I've been contemplating getting a pedi as well! :)

  6. I really enjoy that happy feeling I get when I'm leaving from getting a pedicure and my nails done. :)

  7. Every time we get a bit of warmth here in NC it snows like 3 days later..its starting to make me sad lol

    1. Ugh, terrible. Every time, I think the "arctic vortex" is over, here it comes again. I can't believe this is March!

  8. Haha I love this, and have done every single thing on here. My favorite is the phrase "Pinterest shopping" which I do daily!

  9. Oh. My. God.

    Girl I would die. I do NOT do cold weather - maybe that's why I live in Florida?! Anyways, the bright nail polish is an excellent idea. Know that saying "fake it till you make it" - I totally think that applies here :)
