VS models NOT as shockingly skinny?

These are the highlights of my week, starting with the thing everybody’s talking about...

Last night, I finally got around to watching the full Victoria’s Secret fashion show.  I tried to watch it live, but apparently am unable to stay awake past 9 anymore, so I had to DVR it.  Is it just me or are the models not nearly as shockingly skinny as they used to be?  I am not saying this is bad.  In fact, kudos to VS for allowing me to watch the show without feeling like fat cow afterward.  I thoroughly enjoyed it and like where this trend is going.  Then again, I tried to do a photo comparison and am now thinking I might be crazy.  Maybe I’m just getting so used to the model look that it’s not so shocking anymore.  Anywho, anyone else have the same thought as you were watching?  Just curious.  

Either way, I am bound and determined to get my body looking like Candice Sawnepoel (the 5 ft. version) by summer if it is the last thing I do.  I have a major girl crush and I can’t hide it.  I may be in a rut currently, but this was even more motivation to put my little plan into action.  

My love took me to Symphony of Lights in Columbia to walk through the Christmas lights after school yesterday.  Actually, it was organized by his school, but I still thought it was totally romantic anyway.  It’s fun to have a weeknight date, and it wasn’t even that freezing because the wind was not blowing. 

Symphony of Lights: Columbia, MD
If you live in Maryland and want to see lights, be warned... this is definitely no Hartwood Acres.  It's like your neighborhood fire carnival compared to Disneyland, Symphony of Lights being the Carnival and Hartwood Acres being Disneyland.  But, times are hard and these things take money to put together.  Plus, it all goes to a good cause, so who really cares if its 100% up to par right?

Me and one of the ducks!

We got our first snow this week (and two snow days from school).  I’m usually not a fan of snow days because it messes up my plans and makes me work longer into my absolute favorite season (summer), but I have to admit, sleeping in was pretty awesome.  Now let’s just not let this snow thing happen again, ok Mother Nature? ;)

It's actually 2, but who's counting? :)

Scored these adorbs PJ’s at Target this week.  Ya know, Christmas shopping... two for you and one for me :).  Totally normal right??
Who can resist that fox pattern??

While we are discussing Target, it became clear that I need to avoid it at all costs because I saw sooooo many cute clothes I wanted I could nearly explode.  Seriously, maybe more than I have ever seen in Target at one time, especially since the store is pretty hit or miss for me.  Danger Zone.  For sure. 

Christmas cards have arrived!  I can’t wait to address and send them this weekend!  Even more, I can’t wait to start getting more of my friends’ for the holiday card wall!

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  1. haha you and I are in the same boat- after watching I re-started my Jillian Michaels 30 day program and I'm determined to look like a VS model (just about 5'1 haha) LOVE your cards by the way!!

    1. haha I know! Sometimes I think I can look like that in my head, and then I look at myself in the mirror and realize I will need some 10" heels for that to happen lol

  2. your cards are adorable!! have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks! It's our first actual professional picture! :)

  3. Love the Christmas cards - really cute! I also need to go get those fox pajamas. Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Yes! They have lots of cute designs actually and they are on sale ;)

  4. Cute cards!!! We must have been living under a rock, because we just heard the Fox song for the first time on Thanksgiving, and about 10000000 xs since. :) CoastalKel.com

    1. haha I wouldn't have either if I didn't teach elementary school.

  5. Popping by from the linkup!
    Adorable Christmas cards!! I agree with you about Target, they are ON POINT lately with the clothes! It's hard not to walk out with a couple items....or a cart full ;)
    Have a great weekend!

  6. New to your blog from the link-up. I will be following! :)

  7. Love your christmas card!! It's adorable! :) Stopping by from the linkup! Following ya now! Have a great weekend!!

  8. Target just arrived here in Ottawa and OMG dangerous place for me..( got excited thought they were cat PJ's at first and was almost in the car on my way to Target, fox is cute though

    1. Oh yes, cats would have been the best! Enjoy your first Target and be careful! ;)

  9. I think we're just getting used to seeing the models and that's why it isn't as shocking how thin they are :) or maybe they're getting more muscular? I don't even try to look like them anymore because there's no way I can grow 5 inches and even start to compete! Have a great weekend!

  10. I picked up those exact same Target pjs! They were too cute to resist :)) Love your Christmas card!!

    xx em
